Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Pipameister

It was one of those rare afternoons when I was able to get off from work early and visit the Cubao-Edsa branch of Philippine Christian Bookstore (PCBS), the largest Christian bookstore franchise in the country. They close shop at 7PM, and I think I started rummaging through the "Sale" section at around 6:30. It didn't take long for me to discover treasure.

If I'm not mistaken, the phenomenon of discovering confessionally Reformed books in Christian mega-bookstores is as much enigmatic in the Philippines as it would have been in the U.S. (as enigmatic as hearing confessionally Reformed preaching in megachurches). On this trip, however, I was in the Twilight Zone—I found a copy of Joseph Pipa, Jr.'s "The Lord's Day!"

I discovered the book early on in my having embraced the confessionally Reformed faith and it formed the foundation of my understanding of the Sabbath—its creational warrant and eschatological import, to name just a couple of points (I still owe my pastor a book review!).

In gratitude, I'd like to share Joseph Pipa, Jr.'s Sermon Audio page, with 278 of his sermons available for your download and edification.


  1. That is cool, and that's a great book. I have found it to be one of the most practical books on how to honor the Sabbath as a whole day in our modern society, including teaching our children. I hope you enjoy it.


  2. Writing a book review on it is part of the plan, Wes. :-)

  3. Thanks for the review and the link! Getting back to heartfelt Sabbath observance should be our delight and joy.

  4. A few years ago our church bought several books for the library. I read them all, but yours was the best of all. Christ was increased/glorified!


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